I wanted to welcome you personally to our web site. I hope that you will find some useful information to help you make that all important decision about starting up in business. More importantly, I hope that you decide to become one of our clients. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information, we would be delighted to help.
Our objective is to provide a professional and reliable service that is prompt and efficient so that you have the confidence to manage your business. We will aim to provide you with sensible solutions and not jargon. We will take time to understand your business objectives and make sure that you have the right foundations to help your business grow. We will help you set up your accounting system and provide you with some free bookkeeping software with full training included. We will inform you of the key dates by which accounts, returns and tax needs to be paid so that you always keep up to date.
We offer a complete service, so if you are new in business or have been trading for many years, we can help. If you are the sole director of your own limited company or a sole trader with your own business we can offer a complete service. This will include preparation of your company accounts or sole trader accounts, company payroll bureau, dividend management, corporation and personal tax computations, submission of company and personal tax returns by internet, unlimited access to one of our accountants and all for a fixed fee of £90 plus VAT per month.
We are one of only a few firms that offer you a money back guarantee and unlike many accountants we offer an environmental guarantee too.
Rajinder Jassal, BA Hons, FCA, DChA
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