Client Terms of Engagement

This form will appoint us as your business’s accountants and outlines our responsibilities to you and the services we will provide. It will also place responsibilities on you and your company to provide the necessary information to us.

Our responsibilities to you:

  1. Preparation of Company Year-End Accounts to be produced within 28 days of us receiving all the relevant information from you.
  2. Preparation of abbreviated Company Accounts if and where appropriate.
  3. Director's personal tax return. We shall prepare and submit the first tax return for the tax year ended 5 April 2011.*
  4. Corporation Tax Computations - We shall prepare the company’s corporation tax return and file via the internet.
  5. Completion of VAT returns. We shall prepare the company’s VAT return each quarter and file via the internet.
  6. Dealing with H M Revenue and Customs. We shall deal with all correspondence from HMRC.
  7. Dealing with Companies House. We shall deal with your annual return and submit your company’s accounts via the internet.
  8. Payroll administration. We shall prepare your payslips each month and submit them to you electronically.
  9. Electronic filing of forms P35 and P14. We shall file end of year forms to HMRC via the internet.
  10. Completion of forms P11d and P14. We shall complete these forms where relevant.
  11. Provision of advice about IR35.
  12. Ongoing tax and accountancy advice throughout the year.
  13. To adhere to the terms of our Client Service Guarantee

Your responsibilities to us:

  1. Submit your complete books and records to us once a quarter to coincide with your VAT Return. To include all bank statements, invoices submitted and supplier invoices, cheque stubs and paying-in slips.
  2. Forward any forms, letters or paperwork you receive from Companies House and HMRC as soon as you receive them.
  3. To make a full submission of information to us about your business.

Our Fees

Our fees are payable by monthly Standing Order, currently at a rate of £90 (+VAT) for a "single-person" owned company. There is no additional charge for a spouse/partner acting as Company Secretary.


  1. In addition to this Agreement being subject to the civil laws of Great Britain, we have a legal obligation to adhere to all civil and criminal legislation currently in force.
  2. We do not accept cash in payment for services rendered. All fees should be paid by Standing Order or bank transfer.
  3. These are only an outline of our terms, we shall submit to you a more detail letter confirming terms and our standard conditions of business.
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