
We can provide advice on the different types of expenses barristers can claim in their professional accounts.

We can provide advice on the different types of expenses barristers can claim in their professional accounts.

Motoring Expenses

  • Motor expenses incurred travelling from home to the Chambers or court is not deemed to be business mileage. Business mileage will apply when travelling from the Chambers to the court and travelling between Chambers.
  • You should keep a detailed record of your business mileage, where you have travelled to and from each business day, and the total business mileage.
  • Motor expenses include all costs associated with the vehicle and all running expenses, including repairs and servicing. If you have purchased an accessory for your vehicle and it is to be sold with the vehicle when you dispose of it, then this cost can also be claimed.


If you are starting a new business as a barrister then it is important that the value of any equipment e.g. computers, cars, furniture that you will be using is valued and included in the professional accounts. A claim for capital allowances can be made on this equipment.

Clothes & Court Apparel

Wigs and gowns are allowable for tax purposes and count as plant for capital allowance purposes. There is an alternative method of not charging for the initial wig and gown and thereafter charging the replacement value as renewals when such clothing is replaced. Clothing which can be worn out of court is deemed to have a duality of purpose and the costs will not be allowable for tax purposes.

Use of Home as an Office

If you intend to work from home as a barrister or undertake work from a home office then it may be possible for you to claim an element of the costs of the home as an expense in the professional accounts. This is a sensitive area and will require further discussion with us before a claim can be made.

Contact us at your convenience for a free initial consultation.

Also see section “Expenses Guidance

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